Coaching - Specific for Charities

Andrew is passionate about helping charities.

He helps them in very specific ways:

  • Income Generation from their Activities
  • Team Engagement and Business Planning
  • Volunteer Engagement
  • Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy

Since his first major project with Candlelighters (Leeds) in 2012, Andrew has worked with many charities. He often helps in one session to develop an income generation strategy, and he once developed a 5-year business plan with a charity CEO in their first meeting! It took 45 minutes, and helped start a project where the entire charity team contributed to an agreed plan going forwards.

He helps charities develop income from their activities. Here is the method:

  1. Work out what differences you are making for the Agencies that also support your clients
  2. Find the differences where the Agencies are measured
  3. Start conversations that associate your services with these differences

Sounds simple, yet how many of your schools realise you are helping them improve educational attainment when you work with their students?

If you want to discuss this in more detail, please book in a session with me. I guarantee you will receive a return on your investment in my meeting fee - as if you don’t, I will refund you in full. Use the link below.

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andrew gibson

"Thanks for the great meeting and clarity it gave me. Within a few minutes....BOOM! In a matter of minutes, Andrew provided me with the clarity I needed to move my business forward!" Fiona Robinson, Occupational Medicine Specialist, South Africa

Booking Process

Contact Andrew

Complete the form below for more information or to book a coaching, workshop, speaking and lecturing or URP session.

Phone (inc. International Dialing Code)
Which of these do you expect will help you meet these challenges? Tick all that apply
What is the challenge you are facing now?